Your Account: Safe and Secure
With our GDPR policy in place and our secured Infrastructure and banking software, we have earned some records when it comes to the safety of your accounts. We have put all tools in place to make sure you detect when your account is compromised; no case recorded yet; thanks to the ICT Security Team. Some security features for you are but not limited to;
- Multi-factor login authentication.
- 5 Digit Secured Transaction pin for all activities
- Login History record for Audit.
- Anti-virus and anti-malware protection.
- Outgoing and Incoming Transaction log
- Automatic Idle logout.
Some customers may ask some questions about our banking system. We have got the answers. If we havent been able to answer your questions, please use the FAQ page or send us a contact mail
We guarantee you about 99.9% safety from our end. Compromised account may come from session Hijacking or compromised logins and emails.
Send an instant mail to our customer care service and your account will be locked out in few seconds to avoid further penetration or transaction shift.
Yes it is compulsory to have 2FA on all account as this is the first security measure put in place on your account.

United Gulf Partnership Credit union: Join Us
Carry out your Secured Transaction with the United Gulf Credit union in just 3 steps. Open an account and start Transacting.

1. Open an Account
Open an account using our United Gulf Registration form and get your account completed in 3 minutes by selecting your account type and entering your 5 digit transaction Pin.

2. Get verified
Get verified by supplying your Identify information so that we can protect you from Money laundry. This process will remove restrictions from your account. This should not take long.

3. Do Transactions
Use our United Gulf financial platform to carry out all of your Transaction. We have opened the world of possibilities with the creation of an account.